Our school motto is
Connected to Community, Dedicated to Learning
Our motto clearly typifies what is important to the staff and community of Boolarra. The community is hardworking and strives to create an inclusive town that provides diverse opportunities for all. Our parents value education and are active in assisting the growth of our students. Every Monday students are given reading awards as they reach milestones (25 nights of reading, 50 nights of reading and so on). We value this support and acknowledge the vital role parents play to develop skills such as reading, writing, numeracy and science.
We actively seek ways to link with the community. Every year, we open the Boolarra Folk Festival with a drumming ensemble. For many, this is a highlight of the festival. In conjunction with the Boolarra Community Development Group, a community Pop Up library is located at the front of the school. We welcome people from the community to assist in the classrooms. Our students attend the district sporting events such as athletics, netball, basketball, swimming and cross country. Our students participate in football and netball clinics and, in conjunction with local clubs, we use these opportunities to advertise local sports. After all, the life blood of clubs lies with how we develop our juniors.
At Boolarra, we value and believe in working together. We have a wonderful group of students who are considerate to others. We are also very fortunate to have a dedicated and hardworking staff, who work hard to ensure that the children in their care receive the best possible learning opportunities. We believe that we are all learners. Through collaboration, staff work together to develop their own professional practice skills as well as capacity. We work in hubs to plan, deliver and review lessons as we aspire to be the best teachers we can be.
We encourage parents and family members to visit and engage in a range of activities offered at the school. I’m a firm believer in our actions conveying a stronger message than our words. By getting involved in our school, you are actively showing your child/ren that their education is important and valued by you.
Please feel free to call in and discuss any concerns you may have, let us know if your children are undergoing a difficult time or to share their successes with us. My job is to make sure all our students feel safe and comfortable at school and are actively learning and growing. If we don’t communicate well and work together, we may not achieve the best outcomes for our students.